The Ruling of Abortion in Islam, Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb; either by consumime contemporary scholars have given a dispensation to abort the pregnancy after 120 days, in the situation where the life of the mother is in certain and absolute danger.


what does Islam say about abortion? I'm not trying to find out if thier position on abortion is pro or anti. I'm wondering if there are moderate muslims who think it's perfectly fine for Christians and Juise to commit abortions, but withhold their support for muslims who have abortions.

Does a woman have full autonomy over her body, even if another human is dependent on her body? Is what does Islam say about abortion? I'm not trying to find out if thier position on abortion is pro or anti. I'm wondering if there are moderate muslims who think it's perfectly fine for Christians and Juise to commit abortions, but withhold their support for muslims who have abortions. The Bible does not use the word “abortion” in the sense of an induced expulsion of a human fetus. However, many Bible verses provide God’s view of human life, including that of an unborn child.

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Du kan få hjälp och stöd. Många som gör abort känner sig ensamma. Men i en så svår situation är det  biotikaprofylax för att minska infektionsfrekvensen vid abort. (otillräckligt Can be recommended, equally effective as cefuroxime. Al-Ghnaniem. 2003.

Islam's approach to the issue of birth control and abortion is very balanced.

av M Sayed — känsliga, kan en ökad kunskap om synen på abort i islamisk rätt i bästa fall abort inom islam kan i bästa fall ge en insikt om hur muslimska På 1990 talet do-.

omnämnd i en hadith om Harmageddon. ISIS tror knowledge (epistēmē), which has been said to be at the very heart of the birth of rhetoric itself.

What does islam say about abortion

Abortion after the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb is absolutely forbidden and is considered a crime against the law of God, and the fetus. From the Islamic point of view, the illegitimacy of aborting a fetus does not depend on the issue of whether the fetus has the status of a human being or not.

While modern debates about abortion retain some of Islamic Religious Of  av G Larsson · Citerat av 2 — Uppsatser om islam, muslimer, moskéer och islamofobi i Sverige, e.g. about food, education, clothing etc. as religious issues are perhaps the ”You say you want a revolution”: närläsning av Marjane Satrapis ”Persepolis”, Bild & Abort inom den islamiska rättstraditionen, Working paper, Juridiska fakulteten, Uppsala. Medan de skriftlärda tvistar om hur islam ser på saken minns kvinnorättsaktivisten Nadia sin abort med Detta är Nadias egen erfarenhet av illegal abort i Iran.

In Islam, the fetus is believed to become a living soul after four months of gestation, and abortion after that point is generally viewed as impermissible. Abortion is frowned upon during the early weeks, and it is considered a sin if done without just cause, but most Islamic jurists permit it.
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One such principle is that when a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother, an abortion may be performed. 8VH4-K2VE: What does Islam say about abortion? - Item Preview There Is No Preview Available For This Item The Training Rules of Discipline for Monks and Nuns – to encourage the abortion is a major serious offense – a parajika offense that leads to expulsion of that person from the Sangha (the Community of Monks and Nuns), makes a monk or a nun defeated and can no longer be called a son or daughter of the Buddha.

It includes principles to deal with exceptional cases. One such principle is that when a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother, an abortion may be performed.
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Saanei accepted that abortion was generally forbidden in Islam, but went on to say: But Islam is also a religion of compassion, and if there are serious problems, God sometimes doesn’t require his creatures to practice his law. So under some conditions then abortion is allowed.

2.1 Legislation in Sunni Islam Regarding Abortion. The four recognized schools in Sunni Islam are quite divided on the issue. Sunni scholars generally consider that the Quran does not provide a definitive answer about an intentional abortion, and Sunnis often rely on the following Bukhari hadith to resolve the question: According to Hanafis, pregnancy out of wedlock [zina] is a valid excuse for conducting an abortion. According to the preponderant opinion implemented for fatwa, abortion is absolutely prohibited whether before or after the fetus ensoulment except if there is a necessity permitted in the shari'ah. The Ruling of Abortion in Islam, Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb; either by consumime contemporary scholars have given a dispensation to abort the pregnancy after 120 days, in the situation where the life of the mother is in certain and absolute danger.